What is Bhakti?

Devote your heart, generate bhakti, and receive universal grace.

Bhakti is the purest goodness within, expanding like positive energy through your aura.

By living a life of love and service, you not only envelop yourself in this positivity but also share it with the world. As bhakti rises from within, connecting with shakti, the universal force, you embody the best qualities for positive growth. Let your heart guide your actions, creating more bhakti, and inviting the shower of shakti, or Universal Grace.


Soaps, essential oils, incense

Discover a curated collection devoted to nurturing bhakti. BhaktiEssence, a blend of unique qualities and scent infused into soaps, essential oils, and incense. Let your heart guide you, nurture bhakti,
and welcome profound serenity, as this positive energy grows within, uplifting
both yourself and the world around you.

At the Orchard’s Soapery, we're on a mission for clean and inspired living. Our all-natural, eco-friendly products empower you to make conscious choices. From hands to dishes, face to body, we embrace
nature's beauty, leaving no harm behind. With natural scents and
sustainability, we inspire a community that preserves the planet for generations


The Bhakti Spiral is a transformative framework that represents the continuous journey of human evolution, offering a path to personal growth, relational harmony, and universal connection. Rooted in ancient wisdom and modern insight, the spiral symbolizes the dynamic and integrative nature of life—expanding outward from self-awareness to community and transcendent unity. Its purpose is to guide individuals in aligning their inner and outer worlds, fostering holistic well-being, and unlocking their highest potential. By moving through the spiral’s intentional steps, one embraces the interconnectedness of all life, cultivates balance, and embodies a more authentic, purposeful, and liberated existence.

Collection: Savonnerie

Chez Awesome Blossom Soapery, notre mission est de fournir une solution entièrement naturelle, écologique et durable pour une vie propre et inspirée. Nous nous engageons à créer des savons qui permettent aux individus de faire des choix respectueux de l'environnement. Nos produits sont doux pour tout, des mains à la vaisselle, en passant par les comptoirs, le visage, le corps et même le processus de vieillissement. Nous nous élevons et brillons en embrassant la beauté de la nature, en veillant à ce que nos créations ne soient pas seulement un plaisir pour les sens, mais ne laissent également aucun dommage à la terre. Avec des parfums entièrement naturels et un engagement envers le développement durable, nous nous efforçons d'inspirer une communauté qui chérit et préserve la planète pour les générations à venir. »


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