Seven tips to keep your mental health aligned

Seven tips to keep your mental health aligned

Lets promote mental health instead of mental illness.

Bell is recognized for starting the movement of Bell Let’s Talk Day and started the conversation about mental illness. It has had a profound impact on our society. As we evolved with everyday that goes by, we need to place an emphasis on mental health. Lets be positive and focus on the glass half full versus the glass half empty. Living and breathing are the most precious gifts we’ve inherited of all gifts and mental health comes next, do you agree?
1. FIX YOUR DAILY ROUTINE- If you wake up in the morning, sit in your car, drive to work, sit at the office, sit back in your car on your way back home, sit at dinner, and sit while watching TV before bed and lay in your bed till the next morning, until you repeat the same scene for 5 days – It’s a no brainer, you are heading for disaster. I speak from experience, that was my routine for 4 years and it took year for me to be able to change it. If your story is similar, you need to work toward changing your routine or else you can expect the worst. If your story is different but still need some adjustments in your weekly routine, its time to fix it. Keep a minimum of 1-2 days of fun activities, getting physical, connecting to the earth in a mindful way.
2. SLEEP- The healing power of sleep: Yes, that’s right, the body actually repairs and restores itself through sleep. So make the best of it on a regular basis. And while you’re at it, before you move into a deep sleep state why not connect the heart and the brain together with the intention of healing. How? Here’s 2 links with fascinating information to help you understand how to connect the heart and the brain and why it’s important to do so.
3. MOVE- Embark into a daily exercise routine. Most of us have busy lives, so if time is an issue and you cannot dedicate to a full set of exercise just move. Take a walk, introduce a mini series of movement while you clean the house, do jumping jacks, leg push-pull, spinal twist, etc… The list is limitless. Every Sunday create a routine in your planner for the entire week. Like this when there is no time for a 40-60 min set, create a “Get on a MOVE pattern”. It is life changing!
4. BREATH- Everyday set a few minutes aside and sit where no one can disturb you. Meditate, contemplate and breath. It rejuvenates the body and the brain. Practice the breath of fire, sat kriya, stretch pose, etc… mark it in your schedule. It is mood changing!
5. SUPERFOODS- “It is mandatory to introduce superfoods to your diet. Google your favorite author and try new things that are aligned with your philosophy and your body type. If you don’t know where to start, here is a good beginning: Ayurvedic philosophy, take the quiz:
    Places I love to visit:
    Bone broth:
    Paleo diet:
    Paleo Alkaline:
    6. LIQUID MIRACLE- I am a firm believer of taking in anything I can, as often as possible can to keep my body healthy. Whether it’s pure water, vitamins, minerals, a cleanse, a detox, juicing, teas, etc… Pay lots of attention to the liquids you digest. I carry my water bottle everywhere I go. I cleanse and detox regularly and I have now adopted a new tea lifestyle. Why tea? Tea is life. Tea is a connection to the earth. Tea is healing and soothing.
    7. JOURNALING- Why? It helps to organize your thoughts, to get things done and execute a project, a hobby, a business or simply a routine. It also documents your life. It is healing. It is good for the mind and the soul. It helps to release anger. It is a break from busy electronics (phone, pads, etc…). It gives you time to your self to actually think, reflect and ponder. My favorite time is combining my journaling and a cup of tea, haaah! If you want to get creative, sketch an image to go with your text. Keep at it, doors begin to open and your everyday life will expend.
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