The way of tea, for the love of tea and life itself
Thirty years in just a few words. I share a part of me you probably know very little about- a personal journey so far that has been fascinating and unpredictable and I am grateful to be able to share these few words with you.
- The 80’s was, “kind of” about travel and self discovery.
- The 90’s was about bringing into the world 2 beautiful human beings and the beginning of my fascination with art. Everything I could devour about art, I did. To this day, my favorite medium is oil painting and dry pastel.
- The millennium (20’s) was more about self-help, self-improvement, health, The Secret (lol), yoga teacher training certification, Thai yoga massage certification, IET (healing) certification. My love for yoga became the center of my life.
- 2010’s: It started kind of rough. I worked for multiple companies that I did not enjoy at all. However, in the midst of it all, I met my current husband whom I love so very much.
This decade has led me toward the realization of a life long dream of creating a new start-up. Luvmatrix (e-boutique) and Maik ai Tea (brand) was born.
My tea journey began when I was looking for something I could drink all the time that is actually healthy and as I get older, would actually benefit my body. Something that would help bring my energy and stamina back, so, I could accomplish all of my dreams. As I tried many products, nothing would do the trick until I discovered good quality tea* and the benefits of good quality tea on the body. Tea is such a simple and common drink, one that has been used for thousands of years. Prior to becoming mainstream, tea was used for medicinal purposes. Go figure, isn’t it going full circle?
Maik ai Tea was born out of passion. The idea was to create a product that would cleanse the body, energized it, and help it lose weight (if need be). Six months into the process the Maik ai Tea detox was formulated. When I started on this journey 6 months ago, it was all about the detox tea but when passion takes over there is no holding back. Following the creation of the detox tea, the Daily Dose Tea was created for daily hydration, taste and health benefits.
Maik ai tea is about taste, flavours, aromas, health benefits and the discovery of the way of tea, which is to bring peace and serenity into one’s life. Something that is needed more then ever before since we live in an era of chaos, fast pace and social media.
Make a tea daily, to optimize your health, get inspired, be empowered and dive deep into your passion all the while living in peace and serenity.
In conclusion, after discovering and experiencing life, bearing children, having a career, loving a husband, discovering art, and yoga, the common denominator to my life is tea. What I’ve learned along the process? It’s ok to have more than one career, more than one ambition, more than one husband (lol) as long as your passion is ignited.
Forty years in the making, the way of tea is the circumference of my life, coating it with love, peace serenity, positive mindset, meditative action and joy. It is Maik ai Tea’s life mission to help bring peace, serenity and passion in your life.
Tea is the common denominator to a happy, joyful and serene life!
Marise from Maik ai Tea
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